We will take the time to thoroughly explain all your charges to you, let you know what you must do right now to protect your rights, and most importantly, what our office can do to help defend your driver’s license, your freedom and your livelihood.
Contact Us immediately for a FREE no-obligation consultation of your PA or NJ DUI or DWI charges.
DUI & DWI Lawyers
Pennsylvania & New Jersey
Driving Under the Influence of alcohol or drugs (DUI) and Driving While Impaired (DWI) are serious criminal offenses. Your license to drive is confiscated on the spot and you risk losing your privilege to drive for up to four months or more. As a result of your arrest you face jail time, points, large fines, ridiculous insurance increases and possible loss of employment.
We know what is on the line for you – we can help!
Know the Law
We will take the time to explain why you should not pay any tickets at this time and let you know what you can expect as a result of the arrest
We will get in touch with you within minutes of receiving your information (day or night) and immediately schedule your FREE consultation.
Our firm is specifically dedicated to helping people with DUI and DWI related issues.
Client Reviews
Lehman and Pastino represented me in my auto accident suit… I received PERSONAL attention from Lehman and Pastino…they travelled with me to my doctor’s appointments, completed all my paperwork, and clearly explained all my options. They treated me like a PERSON, not just a client. Their knowledge of the law was precise and “on the money.” I would recommend them for all of anyone’s legal needs.
Great Lawyer, Great Guy
- G
"Michael Pastino is an extremely knowledgeable, thorough, kind and compassionate guy. He went the extra mile for me, not only to win my case, but to receive the maximum possible dollar amount..."
Wonderful Lawyer
- E
"Michael is a great lawyer. His work ethic is fantastic and he is always in a good mood. He worked with my mother with a couple different cases and he never disappointed..."
Best Lawyer
- K
"Michael is an excellent lawyer and person. When I had my automobile accident, he helped me win my case. He went above and beyond expectations and made it an easy and comfortable process for me..."
DUI & DWI Lawyers
Pennsylvania & New Jersey
Driving Under the Influence of alcohol or drugs (DUI) and Driving While Impaired (DWI) are serious criminal offenses. Your license to drive is confiscated on the spot and you risk losing your privilege to drive for up to four months or more. As a result of your arrest you face jail time, points, large fines, ridiculous insurance increases and possible loss of employment.
We know what is on the line for you- we can help!
Our firm is specifically dedicated to helping people with DUI and DWI related issues. We will get in touch with you within minutes of receiving your information (day or night) and immediately schedule your FREE consultation.
Contact Us immediately for a FREE no-obligation consultation of your PA or NJ DUI or DWI charges – we will take the time to thoroughly explain all your charges to you, explain why you should not pay any tickets at this time, let you know what you can expect as a result of the arrest, let you know what you must do right now to protect your rights, and most importantly, what our office can do to help defend your driver’s license, your freedom and your livelihood.
- Contact Us Today
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Nunc nec massa nec est interdum suscipit. Donec vel orci quis dolor
Client Reviews
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Great Lawyer, Great Guy
- G
"Michael Pastino is an extremely knowledgeable, thorough, kind and compassionate guy. He went the extra mile for me, not only to win my case, but to receive the maximum possible dollar amount..."
Wonderful Lawyer
- E
"Michael is a great lawyer. His work ethic is fantastic and he is always in a good mood. He worked with my mother with a couple different cases and he never disappointed..."
Best Lawyer
- K
"Michael is an excellent lawyer and person. When I had my automobile accident, he helped me win my case. He went above and beyond expectations and made it an easy and comfortable process for me..."